A bSKOKI/b BUG SIPPING, Tina Close b..../b Towering in her memory, at a place down the lane from where they lived in a stone farmhouse on Close's grandparents'bestate/b, is a hillock with a favorite climbing tree and a slab of granite that cupped a depression where rainwater gathered. The Lilliputian lake harbored mosses, leaves, tadpoles that became frogs, small morphing insects and reflections of the sky, elements that continue to trigger something deep within Close and appear ...
The former home of Canadian financier Sir Henry Pellatt, Canada's foremost castle is complete with decorated suites, secret passages, an 800-foot tunnel, towers, stables, and beautiful 5-acre bestate/b gardens (open May through October). b.../b
Sądzę jednak - że czeka Polskę spory bskok/b naprzód , właśnie w takiej skomplikowanej sytuacji. Pozdrowienia ;). piątek, styczeń 02, 2009 5:46:00 AM ? Mariusz pisze... Do KJ Wiesz - w taki właśnie sposób osunęła się b...../b Carolands, Part 5 - Library, Loggia & Bordeaux rooms - Tired of the Carolands yet? I'm not! So here a few more treasures from the bestate/b. Above is one of the suite of 'Bordeaux' rooms. These were a suite of 3 ... wczoraj b.../b